I know I promised a trip to Iowa for our anniversary celebration...to my readers and to myself. But, life has changed my plans...again. A few have noticed that over the past few months I will throw out a teaser and then not report on it. This has mostly been due to gastrointestinal health issues interrupting my plans. I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy and endoscopy on Tuesday, but I'm pretty certain the diagnosis is going to be
IBS-C combined with fructose malabsorption whether it's on Tuesday or another day.
Isn't that romantic conversation on one's 23rd wedding anniversary? My husband is one lucky guy!
I first noticed the occasional "bad day" back in the spring and by summer it was a few times a week. Come August I was symptomatic every day, and started making appointments to see doctors. Diet changes have helped a little, medications pretty much not at all. I've gone from my high fiber diet filled with a variety of fruits and vegetables to a diet so stringent I struggle coming up with something to eat that won't make me suffer and have lost about 14 pounds in the process of trying to find food my system will tolerate. So far I've got plain oatmeal, quinoa, small amounts of unseasoned meat or eggs, cheddar cheese and corn products. Seriously. Here is a picture of my lunch at 11:00 today. Needless to say, I'm no longer a vegetarian out of necessity.

It's almost 8:00 and I haven't eaten again because my stomach is distended and painful and due to the nature of what is going on I can't be certain whether it is from today's meal or from yesterday's piece of bread that I forced myself to eat because the GI doc wanted me to add wheat back to my diet. Yesterday was not a good day either, but I've been eating a slice of bread one day a week in an attempt to keep some gluten in my system so they can determine if celiac is an issue. If one slice a week for the past 2 months is not enough to diagnose the celiac...does it really matter? Celiac or wheat intolerance, all I know is that the bread makes things much worse.
Sympathy is welcome, but please don't post any fiber or other constipation advice. Like I told my GI doc, I was doing all the right things before the problems even began. I drink only water, exercise daily, and ate a high fiber diet filled with quality food. The very things that should "help" tend to only make things worse. The constipation seems due more to slow transit, food intolerances and fermentation issues and not more standard causes.
On the bright side, I've been experimenting with gluten free cooking and I just pulled a loaf of carrot bread out of the oven.
"Free at Last" by Patsy Catsos is a very detailed guide to the
FODMAPS dietary concept, but when I tried the elimination diet I was symptomatic...I'll have to modify it and try again another day.
bread for my gouda, provolone & pesto sandwich I got from the gluten free goddess blog and doubles as a pizza crust recipe. The pizza crusts and breads in the stores are HORRIBLE. Those who need a gluten free diet, take heart and try baking it yourself, it's definitely worth the trouble!
I special ordered the book
"Food Intolerance Management Plan" by Sue Sheperd because it was supposed to be the written by the expert on fructose malabsorption, but I found it to have no more information than websites I stumbled upon. The cookie recipe was good...but most of the other recipes were too weird to even try.
Well, the sandwich, the carrot bread and the cookie are in my stomach for better or worse. Wayne is with me for better or worse as well, and is as anxious as I am to try to get this condition managed. Soon I'll have answers to some of my questions, but in the meantime I've got to fill up a little whether I want to or not because tomorrow it's a liquid diet!