Never content to stay in one place I was up with the sunrise and off in search of adventure yesterday. I ended up in Shelbyville where I walked through the historic district, content to catch Pokemon and take in the sights.
Shelby County Courthouse |
I wasn't tempted by any of the shops, but I was glad I stopped for the campfire machiatto at the Sixth and Main Coffeehouse. No actual fire was used in its concoction, for which my lungs were grateful.
Not only did my server dispense coffee, he also doled out advice on things to see as I swung through Louisville and up into Indiana.
But first I had Pokemon to chase, and I ended up at the cemetery of all places which I have noticed is a hotbed of Pokemon activity in other towns as well. I like to seek out the unusual headstones and this one with the lillies also had a lovely sentiment on the backside.
I would do something similar for Wayne if he departed before me, but we both intend to donate our bodies to science and be cremated so no lovely sentiments in stone for us I guess.
I thought the well or fountain image was an odd choice for the late 1800's, perhaps there is some symbolism I am missing. Fine workmanship and holding up rather nicely considering it is well over 100 years old.
Another bit of interesting carving was the Coca Cola building that was turned into apartments.
While walking around I discovered the Clear Creek Greenway snugged right up behind City Hall. Most of Kentucky is experiencing a mild drought and low water was evident at all the creeks I encountered.
I didn't get a chance to go inside, but I passed the Carnegie Library which in Shelbyville's early years the lot was occupied by a church. When the church building was demolished, the cemetery was mostly relocated, but these graves were left behind. I love that John Russell's wife's name was "America"! Sad that she died so young though not uncommon in those times of course.
Back at the campground only one of the sites was occupied at the horse camp.
The RV sites at Taylorsville Lake were nicer than any I've seen in a Kentucky State Park and very generously spaced. I would definitely consider bringing Wayne back down this way with our camper and making some day trips around the area. Campfires were few, and the two nights I camped we got frost so my asthma actually died down and I reached for my inhaler a lot less the past few days which made me very happy!
The trail system wasn't very well marked, so I just gleefully stumbled my way around an hour before dusk both evenings which is how I found a little bridge crossing a very dry creek. Landed flat on my back on my way down to it, forgot to be mindful of acorns rolling around underneath those leaves! But at least I remembered to wear my blaze orange so I wouldn't be shot by any hunter out after the plentiful deer.